To place an order to Alaska or Hawaii, please call (231) 252-4450, and one of our representatives would be happy to help!
We ship mostly via UPS and this is typically 1-4 business days for arrival depending on the location. If you would like expedited shipping (overnight, 2 day air, etc) please call and we can provide an accurate quote.


  • Price $36.80 EACH

Termidor FOAM contains Fipronil, the same active ingredient as Termidor SC, in a RTU (ready-to-use) foam that is labeled for termites and ants. Perfect for spot treatments, Termidor FOAM expands rapidly creating a dry foam that can be applied in the voids, harborages, galleries, and nests where insects are found. The foam generated has an expansion ratio of 30:1.  In about 5 seconds 1 oz. of product becomes approximately 1 quart of foam.  

Termidor FOAM can be applied in and around residential and commercial structures; structural and non-structural elements that are prone to insect attack (such as fences, utility poles, landscape timbers, bridges, or under slabs); or insect harborages.  This product can be applied from the interior and/or the exterior according to label directions. 

Termidor product features:

Advanced undetectable technology

Termidor is made from a revolutionary new nonrepellent or "undetectable" chemical technology treatment.  That means termites cannot see, smell, taste, or avoid Termidor.  Instead they contact, ingest, and share it with their nestmates. This is in sharp contrast to older liquid termite controls, which rely on repellent barriers that termites can find breaks in or avoid completely.

The "Transfer Effect"

Termites who contact Termidor transfer it to every other termite they in turn contact, in a unique process called the "Transfer Effect."  And because Termidor is engineered to be slow-acting, termites have ample time to spread it throughout their entire termite population.

Better than bait... without the wait

Baits can take years to control a termite colony.  Termidor begins working immediately to wipe out termites inside and immediately surrounding your home. Termidor is the most effective and fastest at completely eliminating termite populations--up to six-times faster than bait.