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Talstar Xtra Granular Insecticide 25lb.

  • Price $60.75 EACH

Lawn pests dont just crash picnics.  Some, like imported fire ants, can pose a serious health risk for humans and pets.  As a pest management or turf professional, homeowners count on you, to quickly eliminate these invaders and keep them from coming back.  Thats why FMC Professional Solutions has created new Talstar XTRA featuring Verge granule technology, a proprietary solution for outdoor pest control thats faster than you ever thought possible. 

The broad spectrum control of new Talstar XTRA featuring Verge is labeled for use against over 75 lawn pests.  Get up to four months of reliable control of most ants (including fire ants) as well as chinch bugs, fleas, ticks, mole crickets, earwigs, crane flies and many other lawn pests.

Target pests:

Acrobat Ants,Allegheny Mound Ant,American Dog Tick,Ants,Argentine Ant,Bigheaded Ants,Black Harvester Ants,Blacklegged Tick,Blacklegged Ticks,Brown Dog Tick,California Harvester Ant,Carpenter Ants,Cat Flea,Chigoe Flea,Cockroaches,Cornfield Ant,Crazy Ants,Crickets,Desert Millipede,Difficult Ant,European Fire Ant,Field Ants,Fire Ants,Fleas,Florida Carpenter Ant,Florida Harvester Ant,Ghost Ant,Greenhouse Millipede,Harvester Ants,Hawaiian Carpenter Ant,House Centipede,Larger Yellow (Citronella) Ant,Little Black Ant,Little Fire Ant,Lone Star Tick,Millipedes,Millipedes & Centipedes,Odorous House Ant,Oriental Rat Flea,Pavement Ant,Pillbug,Pine Tree Ant,Psocids,Pyramid Ant,Red Harvester Ant,Red Imported Fire Ant,Silverfish,Small (False) Honey Ant,Southern Fire Ant,Sowbug or Woodlouse,Squirrel Flea,Tawny Crazy Ant,Texas Leafcutting Ant,Thief Ant,Ticks,Tree Ants,Velvety Tree Ants,Western Black Carpenter Ant,Western Blacklegged Tick.

Approved sites:

Cemeteries,Exterior Areas Around Structures,Exterior Landscaped Settings,Exterior Non-landscaped settings,Non-food-bearing Plants,Recreational Turf Parks and Playgrounds,Residential and Landscape Turf,Trees, Shrubs, and Foliage Plants,Turf