To place an order to Alaska or Hawaii, please call (231) 252-4450, and one of our representatives would be happy to help!
We ship mostly via UPS and this is typically 1-4 business days for arrival depending on the location. If you would like expedited shipping (overnight, 2 day air, etc) please call and we can provide an accurate quote.


  • Price $117.00 EACH

NIBAN Granular Insect Bait is a moisture-resistant bait that can be used indoors and outdoors to control ants, silverfish, roaches,crickets and more.

Niban's weatherized granules don't degrade from heat or sunlight and will last through four inches of rain. Niban is the one bait that will continue to work because Niban has no known resistance and is virtually odorless.

Niban kills the microoganisms in the insect's stomach and blocks enzyme production causing starvation. And since it affects none of the insect's major systems, they can't develop resistance.

Niban Granules are also avaliable in a 4 pound bottle


DESCRIPTION: Niban is a weather / moisture resistant Boric Acid based interior / exterior bait labeled for Ants (argentine, carpenter, thief, little black ants, pavement, odorous house, and pharoah), Cockroaches, Crickets, Silverfish, Snails and Slugs. 4 lb. shaker.

USE: Niban comes in a tip and pour bottle for easy application. We recommend applying the granules with a hand spreader for applications in large areas. Can be applied indoors and outdoors. For outdoors: apply where ants forage or in a 2-4 foot band around your home. Can be applied on lawns and in gardens. Indoors: Spread in attics, cellars, crawl spaces, cracks and crevices.

Niban's weatherized granules don't degrade from heat or sunlight and will last through four inches of rain. Niban is the one bait that will continue to work because Niban has no known resistance and is virutally odorless.

Niban kills the micro organisms in the insect's stomach and blocks enzyme production causing starvation. And since it affects none of the insect's major systems, they can't develop resistance.

Be careful of children and pets. 1 cup treats approx. 100 sq.ft. DO NOT apply residual insecticides or sprays near baits as that will deter pests from taking the bait. Always read the label!